Here is a portion of an email I recently received from Coach Aaron Weintraub (with some pertinent thoughts for accomplishing our mission in 2011):
"Are you considering dedicating yourself to approaching your potential in your sport this year? I want you to go for it! You have tremendous personal power. Don’t just ‘kind of’ go for it, but give it all you’ve got and achieve your dreams! It’d be normal and much easier, of course, to coast along - even working hard at times (when it's comfortable). Then, if you happen to get close to a worthwhile goal, you could work a bit extra to see if you can win that big prize. The biggest prize, though, is knowing you're a champion even before the contest ends because you've put your heart and soul into your effort. Consider this: the easiest way usually isn’t the best way and although the gap between good and great is wide, the difference in what is required from you to get from good to great is not particularly big. Just slightly more initiative, diligence, and persistence...consistently."
See you on the field,