Greetings, all. Well, even we here in the Mustang Nation must admit that it's football season now. Still, the preparation for 2011 will be ongoing over the break. Players will be hearing from team captains soon. I am excited to see how it will all come together when we hit the field in January.
In the meantime, though, I think it's great to pause and give thanks to God for the incredible blessings we all enjoy. I love Thanksgiving, which is a distinctively Christian and American holiday.
It's funny how we are wired, that is, expressing gratitude seems to always give us more for which to be grateful. Similarly, in losing ourselves we find our place in life. Jesus said, "Whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it."
I am really thankful for the Mustang Nation and the special players (young and younger) that wear the red and black. I am thankful for the new players and families that are joining us this season. This is how we continue to grow and get better.
I am thankful for the opportunity to play a lot of quality opponents, and I am really grateful for our friends outside the program who have allowed us to play as good a schedule as any homeschool program.
I am thankful we get to play on some of the best fields in Houston ... and in Texas. Heck, I am even thankful for Barton.
But seriously, just the opportunity to do this and experience the great ride that we will go on together brings me great joy. Each of you players, parents, and coaches is a part of this. So, thank you.
Be thankful for everything ... for the opportunity to play baseball ... to live in America ... to have dreams ... to have all you need ... to have families that love you. Players, thank your parents.
And remember ... it will be baseball season soon. There's another reason to be thankful.
See you on the field in January.