Monday, May 23, 2011

From Coach Aaron Weintraub ... Attitude is Everything

Received this from Coach Traub. Check it out:

"You have extremely little control over what goes on around you, but total control of how you choose to respond to it. It is in these choices that lay your freedom, your happiness, and your personal power. Choose wisely.

"Attitude is a choice and attitude determines altitude. You perform better when you are aggressive, confident, and having fun. So do you know how to create that specific attitude when your current environment is pulling you in a different direction? Most people sense that attitude comes from within, but they don’t specifically seize all their personal power by realizing that their attitude comes specifically from the direction of their thoughts. What you are focused on causes the quality of your attitude. Therefore, if you learn to develop an optimistic explanatory style, even when faced with adversity, you will have a clear edge over your competition. It’s not easy to remember that messing up is good for you, to change “I’m in a slump” to “I’m overdue,” or to embrace difficult challenges. But hey, if was easy, everyone would do it.

"Here’s your first test… which comes first: successful outcomes or a positive, confident, fun attitude? For many, success does, but for the greatest athletes in the world, their confidence and positive attitude precede and lead to their success. The next time conditions are poor or you just messed up, remember that this is a great opportunity for you to practice employing your personal power by finding a shred of optimism to emphasize in your mind. Then add in some positive body language and don’t be surprised when great outcomes follow."