Here is the excerpt* I read to our team before our last summer ball games:
A guy that can bring everybody up.
There are MANY different ways to be THAT guy and it doesn't always involve having to be a "rah rah" guy.
But what it DOES require is being able to rise above yourself and your needs as a single player.
If you are STUCK on you ... you can't be THAT guy.
You must play and respond bigger than just a highly talented, gifted, self-absorbed prima donna.
Barry Bonds is not THAT guy. Jason Varitek is THAT guy.
Alex Rodriguez is not THAT guy. Derrick Jeter is THAT guy.
After a teammate's mistake ... THAT guy ... finds a way to pull him back in and help get his mind right.
After a personal mistake... THAT guy accepts full responsibility ... and says ... THIS WAS MINE ... NO ONE ELSES ... I'm OK ... I'll battle through this ... Right now I need your help ... Let's rally the troops, circle the wagons, blow the bugle ... and all pull on the same rope, the same way ... at the same time ... I'll start ... follow me.
THAT guy ... is constantly celebrating things he wants to see more of.
It doesn't have to be a big celebration ... it could be nothing more than a nod ... a wink ...
THAT guy ... is constantly reminding his teammates of their unique gifts, skills or abilities and that the time is NOW to execute them ... especially if things are heading south.
THAT guy is the first to recognize or notice the small contributions or sacrifices made by others ... and shows his appreciation for such.
When THAT guy is given credit ... he offers a sincere THANK you for the compliment and then proceeds to credit all those around him that lead to the accomplishment.
THAT guy doesn't throw others under the bus ... instead he pulls people out from under the bus.
THAT guy is infectious in his optimism and his belief about himself and the others around him.
THAT guy plays the part of the older, wiser brother.
THAT guy respects the game.
THAT guy plays the game with joy.
My advice to you ... learn to be THAT guy.
It will change your life."
Be THAT guy -- today.
See you on the field,
Coach Rut
*Special thanks to my friend and mentor Ron Wolforth for sending this along